#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Usage: sap_prepare.pl csv-input sap-codeB-output sap-codevnG-output # csv-input: XLS-exported table USH02 or USR02 # tab-speparted e.g. column 4:username column 17:bcode column 24:codvn G # sap-codeB-output: username:username$bcode # sap-codevnG-output: username:Username$codvnG # # (all other formats with the right column names should work) # sap uses the username as salt. those have different length, so we needed to come up w/ our # own format. that is: username$HASHCODE # # evil spaghetti code, but works. sorry for the eye cancer ;-) $SALT_LENGTH = 40; if ($#ARGV != 2) die ("usage = $0 csv-input sap-codeB-output sap-codevnG-output \n"); open INPUT_FILE, "$ARGV[0]" or die ("Can't open input-file ($ARGV[0])\n"); open CODEB_FILE,">>$ARGV[1]" or die ("Can't open codeb-file ($ARGV[1])\n"); open CODEG_FILE,">>$ARGV[2]" or die ("Can't open codeg-file ($ARGV[2])\n"); print "data from >>$ARGV[0]<<\nto sap-codeB-output: >>$ARGV[1]<<\n"; print "and sap-codevnG-output: >>$ARGV[2]<<\n\n"; $line = ""; $pos_bname=-1; $pos_codeb=-1; $pos_codeg=-1; $count=0; until ($line =~ /BNAME/) { $line=; $count++; } chomp($line); @tmp = split(/\t/, $line); for ($i=0;$i<=$#tmp;$i++) { if ($tmp[$i]=~ /BNAME/) { $pos_bname=$i } elsif ($tmp[$i]=~ /BCODE/) { $pos_codeb=$i } elsif ($tmp[$i]=~ /PASSCODE/) { $pos_codeg=$i } } print "Column: $#tmp BNAME: $pos_bname BCODE: $pos_codeb PASSCODE: $pos_codeg\n"; if (-1==$pos_bname || (-1==$pos_codeg && -1==$pos_codeb ) ) { print "BNAME column not found OR both hash-columns are missing \n"; exit 0; } while ($line=) { $count++; chomp($line); @tmp = split(/\t/, $line); if ($#tmp<$pos_bname || ($#tmp<$pos_codeb && $#tmp<$pos_codeg)) { print "******** line $count in csv file has the wrong format ********\n"; next; } if ($pos_codeg!=-1 && $tmp[$pos_codeg]=~/[a-zA-Z0-9]/) { # both hashes print "username: $tmp[$pos_bname] codeB: $tmp[$pos_codeb] codeG: $tmp[$pos_codeg] \n"; $strN = $tmp[$pos_bname]; $strSALT = "$strN"." "x($SALT_LENGTH-length($tmp[$pos_bname])); $strB = "$tmp[$pos_codeb]"; $strG = "$tmp[$pos_codeg]"; print CODEB_FILE "$strN:$strSALT\$$strB\n"; print CODEG_FILE "$strN:$strSALT\$$strG\n"; } elsif ($pos_codeb!=-1 && $tmp[$pos_codeb]=~/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ) { # only bcode print "username: $tmp[$pos_bname] codeB: $tmp[$pos_codeb] \n"; $strN = $tmp[$pos_bname]; $strSALT = "$strN"." "x($SALT_LENGTH-length($tmp[$pos_bname])); $strB = "$tmp[$pos_codeb]"; print CODEB_FILE "$strN:$strSALT\$$strB\n"; } else { print "******** line $count in csv file has the wrong format ********\n"; } } close INPUT_FILE; close CODEB_FILE; close CODEG_FILE; print "\nDone!\n"; exit 0;